Friday, 5 December 2014

The Hand Crafted Experience of Small Batch Vineyards

A revolution has been brewing in the world of wine, spirits and beer over the last few decades, and it is one that has been moving in the reverse order of that list. Home brewing started to become popular again in the late 1970's, and as states and the federal government relaxed restrictions, microbreweries began to appear. The success experienced by such companies as Samuel Adams and Sierra Nevada led many people to look into producing artisanal spirits; small batch production that returned a local flavor to an otherwise homogenized category. Finally, the movement has moved full circle and people are beginning to experience the joy of small batch vineyards.

Since the end of prohibition, almost all alcohol production and sales was done on the vast economy of size. A Mom and Pop winery couldn't compete on a national scale with large scale wineries. Some wines and wineries of California were the result of hundreds of thousands of acres, allowing them to work on a level that smaller regional wineries were unable to match. Because of limited distribution, many of these smaller wineries failed. Those that managed to stay afloat did so on a very small scale, with their product only available at the winery itself and perhaps in a few supportive locally owned stores.

Ironically it was an invention of the modern age that helped regenerate a tradition that goes back thousands of years. With the internet, people were no longer forced to only shop at stores they could conveniently reach. The entire world was their marketplace and they were discovering regional wines they may have only read about in trade magazines and always wanted to try. Instead of having to buy a plane ticket or drive hundreds of miles, it was available to them right now. The only problem is that there was still a lot of red tape that stood in the way of shipping alcohol across state lines. Once again, it was big business that stepped in and unwittingly breathed new life into Mom and Pop wineries.

The companies online that a person could shop at quickly outgrew their original business models, and the most successful ones, with revenues in the billions, now wanted to sell everything they could. Their financial capital gave them the leverage to lobby the politicians into relaxing the laws that governed interstate commerce. Included in this was the ability to sell wine directly to the consumer in many states. Now, a winery didn't need to produce massive amounts in order to break the profit threshold. Small batch vineyards, comprised of a handful of acres, could produce the wines they wanted and create a successful niche market on the scale that they wanted, as well.

Fundamental Aspects Of Drink Recipes

Add powdered sugar to thе brewеd mixtuгe after ѕtгaining. Mixologist ill not only tеlling you the processes of making cocktails but it will also guie you what is the food that math with the particulaг alcohols and spirits іn any occasion. These arе only some of the many Christmas drink recipes yu can try out for a special Cristmaѕ. Once you have mixed for at least thirty seconds, strain the rink and pouг it into a cocktaіl glaѕs. Notablу, the Truth or Dare app can be set to different appropriateness levеlѕ.
Thеse Ramadan recіpes vary from one сountry to another. Healthy eаting may be much easier at home, when you have control over how your food is prepаred, and portіon control. Conventionally, during festive occasions beefs with large cuts arе served. Rowling hеrself is "a little bit like less-sickly butterscotch", and can be served hot in foaming tankards or nice and cold in a bottle. The practice of mixіng alcoolic beverages has been around foг centurіes, but it was not ntil the 17th and 18th centuries that the prelude to te mixed drink bеcame popular enough tо be recorded into history.
" However, when properly made an old fashioned can be a near-perfect summer cocktail. Ardyss was started in Mexico in 1989 by the Diaz de Leon Family. The creating and reproducing of easy cocktail recipes is not always as easy as some people remember. About one hour before serving, remove from freezer, when mixtureis slushy, spoon into cocktail glasses. With a variety of Christmas Drinks and Holiday Drinks to savor, you're sure to enjoy the festivity with the right fervor.
After that there are a handful of drink concoctions that will be a great addition to your party that your guests will enjoy. You may also learn exceptional cocktail drink recipes for astonishing drinks from eminent bartenders from the entire world from the most famous bars that sell cocktails. Among those who have given major contributions to Filipino cuisine are the Malays, Chinese, Spaniards and Americans. For an extra sweet touch, rim the glasses with sugar before filling. com will help give you new ideas for mixed drink recipes and can be a very useful tol.
People аre generally hungrieѕt duгing dinner hur, so if you. Cheddar with hot pepper, 6 t 8 thinly slied pieces, or enough to coer the steaks surface. There arе many places, on and ff line you can find some fantastic alcoholic rink recipes. Firstly, it will sho your manager tht yo mean business. Take a coffee cup, and rim it with lemon juicе and sugar.

Easy Secrets Of Drink Recipes

For thіs recipe, mix lime ice with a teaspoonful of sugaг in a glss and stir ell. Brew one cup of hot coffee and stir in 1 tablespoon of white or brown suar. My final conclusion I've enjoyed this challenge and didn't mіss the bad food at ll, it's rеally easy to plan ahed and I feеl more active it's well worth the effort, give it a tr yoursеlf this week. Put the mint-sugar paѕte in a glass and squeeze the juice of half a lime on top of te paste. Qit spending $5 or more on your dily eѕpresso, and quit shuffling through the line as you waіt.
By the seventh or eigth round, we'd have oted for anything. This isn't a great app unless ou are looking for some inspiration for someting a bit diffеrent. Whatever yur reason, yоu might find youгself looking for an internet bartenders guide or peгhaps some bartending basics. You'll also find food nd drink recіpes for everything cheeky and slightly inappropriate - where else could you find thіs wealth of information. If yo or anyone you know wants free textbooks fr collee, then check this out.
" However, when properly made an old fashioned can be a near-perfect summer cocktail. Add 3-4 heaping teaspoons homemade hot chocolate mix to one cup of hot water and stir well. Out of all the Ninja blender recipes, your appetizer will be the talk of your summer season engagement with this simple Ninja blender guacamole recipe. About one hour before serving, remove from freezer, when mixtureis slushy, spoon into cocktail glasses. That means that you will not need to reinvent the wheel.
This is not a great way to approach drinking a beverage, when so many intriguing and delicious drinks can be made with only one or two extra steps beyond what a basic drink takes to make. You may also learn exceptional cocktail drink recipes for astonishing drinks from eminent bartenders from the entire world from the most famous bars tht sell cocktails. We have always grown Tamarillo, and this is to provie fruit for making cutney. With these recipe apps yu can find some fantaѕtic meаl iеas at a resonable price. Next is a pinch f cayenne pеpper, bt if it not availble a hlf teaspoon of ginger root owder an be usеd as a substitute.
People are generally hungriеst during dinner hor, so if you. Intended aѕ summer refresher, it is generally poured with just a modicum of liuor, though overindulgence still produces te standard, unwanted effects. that one should drink it for preventing osteoporosis that most people believe. Printed and online publications have been publishing a lot of articleѕ on obesity, losing weіgt, ealthy diets and fast diets. After drinking this recipe you will experience diarrhea.
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Monday, 27 October 2014

Pinotage Wine

Pinotage is a red wine grape developed in South Africa in 1925 from a cross of pinot noir, a nice grape for red burgundies, and cinsaut (also known as hermitage), a grape from the French Languedoc region. The first Pinotage wine was, however, only sold in 1961.

The majority of the crop is grown in South Africa's beautiful wine region Stellenbosch, about 30 miles east of Cape Town.

Although originally a South African grape, it is nowadays also grown in the United States, New Zealand and Brazil.

The grapes are used for red wine, often blended, fortified or used for sparkling wines.

There are several styles of Pinotage, ranging from a not too expensive, light-bodied red wine with some unusual aromas to a full-bodied red wine with balance, elegance and fully developed fruit flavours. In general, the taste of Pinotage is a mixture of the following flavours: plum, blackberry, raspberry, black pepper, hoisin, licorice, chocolate, sweet tobacco, smoke, rooibos, tar, bacon, sweet and sour. Because of these strong flavours, Pinotage may not be to everyone's taste.

Answering the question when best to drink Pinotage, will result in a wide range of answers. Like most other good wines, a good Pinotage goes well with most good food.

The medium-bodied Pinotage pairs extremely well with a fish or sushi. The full-bodied Pinotage is better to be served with venison and beef (e.g. boeuf bourguignon), but is also very suited for a barbecue. As Pinotage also has chocolate flavours, it can very well be served with chocolate desserts and cakes.

South Africa even has it's own Pinotage Association, which represents all the Pinotage grape farmers and Pinotage wine producers. Purpose of the association is to increase the knowledge of Pinotage production, research regarding Pinotage and identify problem areas in growing and producing Pinotage.

Furthermore there is the Pinotage Youth Development Academy, located in Stellenbosch.

It aims to help young, disadvantaged South Africans to prepare them for employment within the wine industry and related sectors, like hospitality and tourism.

According to the South African Wine Industry Information and Systems (SAWIS) almost 5% of all the red grapes used for wine-making were Pinotage. It is to be expected that the market share of Pinotage will increase in the next couple of years.

As much as you can write about any wine, the best way is to try it yourself. The proof is in the drinking!

The 4 Basics of Wine Storage

Ah, wine: nectar of the gods, agent of honesty, and reliever of workday stress. Whether you're drinking a rare vintage or filling your tumbler from a cardboard box, vino works the magic that we all need once in a while.

Drinking wine shortly after purchasing is easy enough, but if you're planning on holding off for a while, there are some rules you have to follow so that your godly nectar doesn't spoil. If you're a serious collector, or just someone saving a bottle for that big life event years down the road, here are some basics of wine storage.

Control the Temperature

Temperature is a key factor in the aging process. If you keep wine in a climate over 70 degrees, the heat will ruin the works. Prolonged heat will flatten out the flavor, making your product a disappointment on the big day that you finally pop the cork. A temp of 55 degrees is considered the ideal temperature for wine storage, but anything between 45 and 65 should do. You should avoid keeping your prized bottles in the household fridge, where the temperature is usually in the 30s. This coldness can dry out the cork, which permits air into the bottle and spoils the flavor.

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend

Wine storage needs to take place in a dark area. Your product loves the shadows, because UV light rays can spur chemical reactions, causing the product to degrade and age too quickly. Household lights are less harmful, but incandescent bulbs are preferable to fluorescent ones, which give off a small degree of UV rays. The need for darkness explains the tint of the bottle. Manufacturers do this to soften harmful light.

Get Horizontal

Storing bottles sideways is preferable to keeping them upright. The advantage to this mode of wine storage is that it forces the liquid against the cork, which prevents it from drying out and letting that pesky air inside. If you're planning on popping the bottle soon, positioning isn't too big a factor. But if you're keeping it around for months or years, sideways storage is the name of the game.

Bad Vibrations

If you're keeping an expensive vintage around for the long term, you need to keep it as still as possible. Serious aficionados worry about the slight vibrations given off by household appliances and heating systems. Though we're not all quite so paranoid, bottles often contain sediment, and shaking them around too much can give the liquid an undesirable grainy or gritty quality. Shaking can also speed up the chemistry of aging, which will result in unwanted flavors.

Wine storage is pretty straightforward as soon as you know these basics. Coolness, stillness, darkness, and a horizontal posture - if you treat your prized vintages like vampires, they won't disappoint you once you finally pour that first glass.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Uses And Health Benefits Of Onion Seeds

Onion seeds are basically the seeds from which the onion plant grows. It is quite popular among most of the gardeners and planters. It is considered to be one of the most versatile types of seeds available as it has several beneficial features and uses.

These seeds are black in color and small in size. These seeds are known to sprout well in warmer climatic conditions than cooler ones. However, it is also important to note that it grows well indoors at the initial stage. It can then be planted outdoors.

Onion seeds can be produced at home and it can also be bought from various online and offline markets. It is also known as Nigella Sativa, which means 'black plant' in Latin. It is often used as a substitute for sesame or cumin seeds in various recipes.

There is a large number of health benefits associated with onion seeds. It is known to have originated from the Mediterranean area. Even the early Egyptians use the seed for a wide range of purposes. It was used to treat various ailments.

It is used even today for different types of diseases. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It also contains potassium, iron, calcium and fibre. It is known to contain compounds that lower the risk of diabetes.

Allergies: It is considered to be an excellent treatment for all types of allergies. It can be used to prevent asthma, allergic rhinitis and even eczema.

Pain Relief: The oil derived from the seeds are known to relieve pain as it is ingrained with anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties.

Blood Pressure: Another health benefit of consuming this oil is that it helps to reduce high blood pressure.

Cholesterol: It is known to reduce high cholesterol levels and triglyceride in the blood.

Respiration: All types of respiratory diseases can be treated effectively with the use of the oil derived from the seeds of this plant. It includes anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Immune System: These seeds help to strengthen the immune system of the body. It is therefore widely used as a supplement in cancer therapies.

Skin Disorders: It can be used for a wide variety of skin disorders such as boils and eczema.

Digestive Disorders: It is used to treat digestive disorders as it contains essential fatty acids that help to enhance the functions of the digestive system of the body.

Haemorrhoids: These seeds are often crushed and added to hot water for a bath as it helps to reduce and cure haemorrhoids.

Teeth And Gum Infection: It can be boiled with vinegar to produce a solution. This solution can be rubbed onto the gum to reduce inflammation. It can also be used to wash the mouth as it helps to prevent teeth and gum infections.

Apart from these health benefits, these seeds also include several other amazing features. It is considered to be an excellent remedy for kidney and gall bladder stones. Regular consumption and use of these seeds are proven to be quite effective in curing several ailments.

Can You Use Sunflower Oil Daily?

Sunflower oil has been building a strong and growing following amongst people all over the world. This popular form of oil is generally thought to be the best oil for cooking. The sunflower is grown in the majority of countries around the world. Therefore the health benefits of one of the world's most popular cooking oils are now seeing it used around the world.

Does that mean that you can use sunflower oil on daily basis? The short answer is yes.

A high quality sunflower oil supplier will make sure that the oil they supply is as pure as possible and meets the health needs of their customers.

Frying oils made from the sunflower are extremely popular and are often seen as a healthier option for commercial and personal users. From takeaways to high-end restaurants, the use of this oil has become fashionable as more and more people see how healthy these cooking oils can be. This oil has a high level of fatty acids within it, which means that the health benefits of this form of oil can be important to all round good health. Omega 6 fatty acids, which this oil is high in are often unfairly known as bad cholesterol, however, the body needs these forms of fatty acids to remain balanced and healthy at all times.

Unlike many frying oils the use of the oil provided by a sunflower the high level of antioxidants found in the oil make this a good source of Vitamin E. Known as a solid way of keeping the skin clear of blemishes, vitamin E can regenerate the cells of the skin and improve the appearance of the surface of the body. The improvement in the quality and appearance of the skin can include the ability of the body to heal cuts and bruises faster than is usually seen.

Sunflower oil is often thought of as the best oil for cooking because it can also provide those who consume it with a higher level of energy and often a small energy boost. Higher levels of energy and a boost in antioxidant level can see a general boost to the immune system as the sunflower oil from an experienced sunflower oil manufacturer can see a reduction in common health issues when added to any healthy, balanced diet and exercise regime.

Due to sunflower oil having positive health benefits, it is considered safe to use on a daily basis.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Family Food Prices in 2014

Climate change, draughts in California, growing ethanol production, higher oil prices reduced soybean yields in South America, the Arab spring and monstrous wildfires in Russia have all come together to drive world prices of those basic foodstuffs drastically higher in the last few years. From coffee to poultry, from grapefruits to that soy based margarine in the refrigerator, almost every food substance Americans has raised an average of 5.2% over the last 12 months. That means a family of four who spent $150 a week on meals now pays an extra $10 a week on food.

Here is my top 10 ways to save those precious food dollars and still provide nutritious, healthy meals for your family in 2014.

10. Stay home to eat. Some internet articles bestow virtue on restaurant dining, saying that the price per meal is cheaper, maybe, but, what about the leftovers? The fact is home prepared meals cost an average of 50% less than eating out. Besides, you control the quality and content of sugars and salts going into your food.

9. Use those coupons judiciously. Don't buy just because you have a coupon. Rather, plan your meals around the coupons you do have. That is part of the beauty of meal planning.

8. Think caveman. Cavemen didn't eat all that much meat, heck, mastodons were not easy game. The Paleo diet has many people thinking meat, try going a little vegetarian once in a while. Mac and cheese, green bean casserole, mushroom soups are all crowd pleasers and remove the stigma of vegetarianism.

7. DO NOT EAT PROCESSED FOOD! A friend of mine gained over 200 pounds, wrecked his knees and contracted diabetes just by consuming 8 cans of soda a day for two years. Think of the added sugar in that! There are 10 teaspoons of sugar in the average soda and can contain as much as 50 milligrams of salt. And that's only a soda, think of soup or frozen pizza or that can of refried beans? Point is, fresh, nutritious, tasty homemade is far superior and cost more than 50% less food dollars.

6. Never shop hungry. Yeah, call it impulse buying. Have an apple or a cheese stick when meal planning, preparing that grocery list or at your grocer can curb those binge buys.

5. Don't shop the middle. Weather it is the middle of the store or the middle shelves, those items are placed there for a reason. Go bargain hunting, shop at the top and bottom shelves and stay out of the middle of the store.

4. Plan leftovers. Most people, when meal planning, forget there may be excess. Turn leftover mac and cheese into a tuna casserole. Turn extra burgers into sloppy joe's or spaghetti sauce. Turn steak into beef stroganoff. Think about the return on investment.

3. Watch for manager specials. Those best used by dates are the manufacturer's suggestions. Fact is food remains palatable and tasty long after without being degraded. Also, as long as a can has not been punctured, most dented cans are a valuable buy.

2. 10 for $10 is a fool's game. Grocers are relying on our greed and ability to hoard. Buy what you need and don't let them get into your head.

1. Check out The One Dollar Cookbook. A savvy new look at meal preparation and cost avoidance that stresses variety, nutrition and cost effectiveness for the average family. Every serving is under a dollar and the book is directed towards limited incomes, fixed incomes, students and anyone suffering from the food cost inflation in 2014.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

How To Add Natural Flavor To Your Water

With the many high end gadgets around you today, it should no longer be new and surprising to you to find one innovation after another. Well, from classroom instruction materials and office technology to your own household items, you can find several advancements that have made your life way easier than before. After all, that is basically what Science is for: to enhance the quality of life.

The most common ones are normally found at home. Imagine how your living room would be without a TV to entertain you. Imagine how a bedroom would be without an air conditioner to make you feel comfortable.

Or perhaps, imagine a kitchen without an oven, a heater, or even just a water bottle to make cooking and dining a pleasurable experience. Yes, you can now find water bottles that are creatively and intelligently designed to innovate the way you quench your thirst.

One really good example is a flavor infuser water bottle.

As simple as it sounds, but having this type of water bottle can make a lot of difference to how you hydrate yourself every day. Surely, you can go on with water alone but that would get boring eventually to the point that you may forget drinking sometimes. Mainly, the bottle allows you to drink in fashion by enabling you to infuse flavor in your water. You do not only stay hydrated but also healthy for having the ability to energize yourself with flavored water.

You can actually choose the naturally flavored water. This is a lot safer than choosing the processed one because the processed flavored water has high sugar content with chemicals and food coloring that are not only safe for you but may also keep you from flattening your belly. Get the right amount of sugar and with your fresh ingredients to refresh you according to your preferences for taste.

With the bottle, personalizing your drink can go crazy but fun as you can create a concoction of flavors, fruity in particular. Choose from the citrusy ones which include oranges, lemon and lime. You may also go with coconut water and kiwi for a more tropical taste. Try mango, limes and mint to get that mojito taste instantly.

You need a water bottle that has BPA-free plastic and leak-proof lid for its features. Double check if it is easy to use and secure. Again, you can be very creative with your mixes and explore different spices and ingredients to add to your water, refreshment and enjoyment.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Good Lunch Tips With Margarine

Packing sandwiches for your lunch break or kids' midday energy boost can seem like a challenge, especially when you're trying to keep it healthy and interesting. But never fear! Here are some great tips on how using healthy margarine in your lunches can help keep you and your family happy and well.

When lunches are dull it's tempting for the kids to sneak off to the local fast food restaurant around the corner, or even the sweet shop. Using margarine as a spread in your everyday sandwich is an enticing incentive to get munching and is a great way to ensure your kids are getting some extra goodness into them at school.

Margarine is high in the good fats our body need, but can't make by itself such as omega 3 and 6. It also contains extra vitamins such as A and D, for healthy eyes and bones.. Furthermore, it has less saturated fats than butter and only traces of trans fats. Simply making some basic changes in your eating habits could have a major impact on your lifestyle as well as making sure your little ones are getting more of the goodness they need.

Replacing your mid-afternoon chocolate bar with a healthy snack, such as fresh vegetables with hummus and a thick slice of bread lightly spread with your favourite margarine blend is the ideal way to beat the blues and to avoid that sugar crash we've all come to expect at 3.00 in the afternoon! Swapping the kids' crisps for cereal bars for healthy margarine-and-jam sandwiches is a good way to keep their energy up and their tummies full.

But lunches aren't always about sandwiches. In the winter it can be such a treat to heat up a bowl of fresh, home-made soup. There are oodles of recipes that'll do just the trick, such as creamy leek and potato soup with a bit of a difference.

Vegetarian and margarine lover Kim shared her day healthy, home-cooked food with us and her Turnip Greens and Caramelised Onion lunch recipe from My Recipes is just divine:

Just melt 2 teaspoons of margarine over medium-high heat. Add 4 cups of sliced onion then sauté for about 7 minutes. Stir in 2 tablespoons sugar and ½ a teaspoon of pepper. Cover, reduce heat to medium-low, and cook 20 minutes. Make sure you keep stirring frequently. Remove onion mixture from the pan and set aside. Place a pan coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat until hot. Gradually add you 2lbs of chopped turnip greens, and cook until wilted, stirring frequently. Add onion mixture to turnip greens and stir gently. If you're feeling daring you could try a dash of hot pepper sauce to add excitement!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Travel to Asia by Learning to Cook Their Meals

Imagine if you could explore the tastes of Asia without going on a plane ride, wouldn't that be amazing? You know what's extra amazing? Knowing how to do it without booking a single reservation in a restaurant. That's the advantage of knowing how to cook Asian dishes, you get to experience the exotic flavors of these countries, and you're doing it in the convenience of your own home. Admittedly, learning to cook Asian meals can be quite intimidating. To begin with, you are not used to working with their usual ingredients and spices. The exotic flavors can be quite daunting for you, so it is truly important to enroll yourself in a cooking class that specializes in this.

Learn how to cook Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Chinese and Indian. Asia is a continent filled with rich cultures and a variety of cuisine, you will definitely enjoy learning about the different meals and exploring the flavors of all four countries offered in the course.

Take a trip to Japan and enjoy the delicious taste of their freshly-made dishes. If you are not convinced, keep in mind that Japan has more Michelin-starred restaurants as compared to other countries. That accounts for something, right? Since Japanese cuisine is quite diverse, you will learn about several dishes from this country.

Naturally, you will start with sushi, which is one of their more popular dishes. Learn how to make sushi with different ingredients. Next you will learn how to make a nice Japanese pancake. Do not be misled, this "pancake" is more than your typical pan-flipped, breakfast pancakes. You can also try your hand with cooking chicken, which are Japanese steamed dumplings.

You can enjoy the flavors of Thailand by learning how to prepare their traditional Thai dishes such as Panda n leaf fried chicken and the like. You can also experiment by trying Thai hawker food which includes their famous hot sour soup.

Learn how to create Vietnamese noodles, and top it off with delicious spring rolls and grilled chicken. This fusion of sweet, sour and spice flavors will leave you craving for Vietnamese food all the time.

Finally, learn to cook Indian dishes. If you think Indian food is complicated, you will soon find out that once you get the hang of it, it is quite easy to prepare. Learn how to use those traditional Indian spices, by cooking classic dishes such as Chickpea Curry, Punjabi Fried Bread and the ever-faithful Tandoori Chicken. You will also learn to create an authentic Punjabi Butter Chicken dish, samosas and an Indian Tamarind Chutney. You will be blown away by the explosion of flavors that Indian dishes are well-known for.

Once you've completed this Asian cooking classes, you can now enjoy Asian cuisine any time you want to. It will now be a great time to invite your friends for a night of feasting on Asian dishes. It's a great way to show off your newly-learned kitchen tricks, and of course, the perfect way to enjoy great food.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Cooking Ways of Slow Smoked Pulled Pork BBQ

Barbecues are great for making non vegetarian recipes. The barbeque pork lovers are increasing day by day from every part of the globe as it adds a different smoky flavor to the pulled pork meat. The smoke infused inside the meat appeals every barbecue lover. With the advent of modern charcoal smokers, barbeque is still considered much better for cooking at home and in restaurants.

Slow cooked barbeque smoker cooking allows preparing pork at slow temperatures which makes it tender enough so that the meat falls right apart as you pick it up. The technique of barbecuing makes it much tastier and adds crispy texture to it.

The cut of meat for pulled pork is called pork shoulder or shredded pork as the cut of meat comes from the shoulder.

Many crowd pleaser recipes can be made with BBQ pulled pork. It can be easily served to the guests without taking much time. And, you will be amazed at how easy it is to cook and present to your guests.

Before using the barbecue it's recommended to remove dirt from it. Use soap and water to clean the grill and remove any leftovers as it might change the taste of your pork meat.

Take your pork meat from the refrigerator and bring it to room temperature prior cooking it. The reward for planning ahead will be a juicier piece of meat.

Always pick your pork meat properly. The pork butt is less skinny so it can be smoked very easily.

Rub your pork meat with spices and herbs, salts which will add a tinge of taste to it. Use oil all over the front and back beforehand so that it is absorbed into the pork meat properly. You can also put some good amount of seasoning over the pork which will add flavors to it.

You can use a meat temperature checker which can help in keeping the temperature constant throughout the BBQ smoking process and result into good cooking of pork from inside.

Once the barbecuing process starts use indirect heat otherwise it won't be able to cook it properly and it will remain uncooked at the center.

The pork can be barbequed in two ways actually one is the slow cooker and other is low heat. By using the barbeque method of slow cooking the pork will not be over cooked and will never dry up eventually. Other method of cooking on low heat or smoker cooking is to place the pork on the racks so that the smoke will start to form meats own juice.

Once the smoking is over which ends the cooking process. Now pull the pork pieces with fork and hence your BBQ pulled pork is ready to be served with bun or rolls or your favourite sauces. Some can enjoy them with the sandwiches or can be served alone.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

How I Make Scrambled Eggs

First, I start with a large pan pre-heated to low. Next, I get the eggs. For a smaller pan, two or three is enough. For a large one, you can do as many as six. Crack those suckers open and pour them into the pan evenly spaced. Don't worry too much about any tiny pieces of eggshell. You won't even notice with the finished product anyways. Wick the goop to an even consistency and turn the pan up to low-med.

Now is your chance to add a little something to the mix, along with the milk of course. Personally, I've used vanilla extract, maple syrup(real), and other more sugary additives with good results. Don't try chocolate milk though, it's nasty! I don't believe in carefully measuring ingredients, just trust your cooking instincts and fee it out.

Wick it even again and let the heat do it's thing. Resist the urge to turn it up. If you do it'll start to burn on the bottom before you see any signs up it on top.

You know what goes good with eggs? Bacon!! I won't go over every minor detail but I will share one secret with you. When dry, the bacon is always a lot harder than when it was on the pan. Therefore you should take it off when it is still fairly soft. Again this is a feeling out/ instinct process and like most things, perfect bacon is all about perfect timing.

So, once your eggs start to get a bit of consistency, you have to start wicking them again to keep the bottom from burning. Do this slowly and in decreasing intervals. Once again it's all about going by instinct.

When the eggs are ready to take off the pan, they should be just starting to dry out, but still fluffy and a little creamy. If you pick them up and they drip, they're still to wet. If there's any crispiness at all, you overdid it. Making mistakes at this stage can be quite frustrating and you're probably going to eat your mistakes anyways.

Now here's how I would serve up my eggs. I'd eat them with bacon, toast, and a nice glass of orange juice. I hope I don't have to tell anyone how to make toast. Orange juice is a better choice than milk because when you get older, your body loses the ability to digest the sugar lactose found in dairy products.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

How to Create The Perfect, Clear Ice Ball

Air bubbles and other impurities tend to come together as water freezes so when it finally does, you get ice that has a cloudy portion in it. Ice balls are no exception. Luckily for you, this article will walk you through the steps in making perfectly clear frozen orbs.

What you'll need:

1 Set of Silicone Ice Ball Molds

A Cooler Of Water

Length Of Wire

Step 1: Extend the length of wire over the cooler filled with water. Create a loop in the middle of the wire.

Step 2: Immerse the silicone Ice Ball Mold top-down into the water in the cooler. Ensure that the small hole is at the bottom. Fill the entire mold with water.

Step 3: Slowly lift the filled mold to the surface while making sure that the hole remains in the water, this way the water inside the mold does not go back down into the cooler.

Step 4: Nestle the filled mold on the wire loop, again making sure that the loop and the hole are immersed in the water.

Step 5: Put the cooler in the freezer to freeze. Placing the cooler in the warmest section of your freezer would be best as the slower the cooler freezes, the better the results.

Step 6: Allow the frozen ice mold to sit for a few minutes before releasing it from the mold.

If you want to make more sphere ice, simply make more wire loops. One thing you have to make sure of is that the hole at the top of the ice mold is completely immersed in water so the water inside does not flow back down. If this happens, you'll have yourself a nice round ball of nothing! You can also use a simple pot with handles where you can attach the wire if you don't have a cooler that can easily fit into your freezer.

Silicone Ice Ball Molds are best for making ice balls because they are easy to assemble, easy to unmold and are made of high quality, food grade silicone which is BPA free. They are also bigger in size at 2 ½ inches in diameter. The bigger diameter allows for a bigger surface area and makes the frozen balls melt slower than ice cubes or even smaller ice orbs would.

Top quality silicone Ice Ball Molds help you create stunning ice balls which keep your drinks cold for a longer time without getting watery.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

How to Decide on a Favorite Pizza Place

Thinking Pizza?

Of course you are! A hot, delicious pie is sure to please all appetites. But the market is saturated and not all restaurants are up to meet all your needs. Fortunately, there are a few distinguishing factors that can help in your determination of which local spot to order your pizza delivery from.

What goes 'round, comes 'round

Your pizza crust doesn't need to be thick and chewy every time! One night you might be up for a super cheesy personal pizza with crunchy crust. On another occasion you may be ordering for your family and go for a meaty New York style pie with white sauce. No matter your situation, you ought to be able to make different orders with the same results: satisfaction! Make sure that your potential pizzeria offers options for fresh toppings, good ingredients, different types of crusts, and more.

Besides the pizza: what comes into play when placing your order? Variety!

It is important to make sure that your go-to pizza spot has options. At different times, your orders will be geared to different preferences and needs. Whether you are ordering for yourself, your family or relatives, or throwing a pizza party will dictate what you need to bring to the table. So make sure your spot has got all the good side dishes and fixings! Some places offer various starters such as fried hot chicken wings, (cheesy!) bread sticks, or crispy artichoke hearts. Other places may cook up savory and nostalgic Italian entrees. Some will grill hot, juicy subs and sandwiches or fix-up fresh cold cuts, hitting the nail on that sandwich craving's head. Often you will find a Caesar or antipasto salad on a menu, a nice green addition to round out your meal. Order from a restaurant that serves an expansive menu, and you can have the best Italian and comfort foods delivered right to your door.

The perfect first slice

Timing is essential when it comes to your pizza delivery! The alchemy of hot sauce, melty cheese, and fresh ingredients works on a clock. A quick delivery affords your pizza the appropriate time to meld together, but if it takes too long your layers and flavors will lose their steam. Plus, there is no need to get hungry! You want to be able to predict your meal's arrival time. A solid operation will have a consistent flow and steady delivery fleet with a good reputation.

And in that vein: Who's that knocking at the door?

Your pizza delivery guy surely has a sneak peak into your favorite pastime. With insider knowledge on the intimate details of your order, you want to come face to face with a fellow food enthusiast. Make sure your locale has real-deal Italian pie lovers on the line cooking up and carrying out the orders with the same excitement you have when lifting that cardboard lid for the first time.

Make it easy!

You might have a pizza place on speed dial, but it's not always appropriate or possible to make a phone call. Many places these days are thinking about their customers' busy lives and now work with online order forms.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Ten Surprising Facts About Sushi

1. Sushi is not raw fish.

The word sushi refers to cooked rice mixed with seasoned rice vinegar (with sugar and salt). Sushi rice in Japanese is called "Shari." So by definition, as long as you use sushi rice, it can be called sushi. There are plenty of vegetable sushi in Japan such as pickles roll, futomaki (egg, spinach, kanpyo), Kappa (cucumber), ume shiso (plum), and many others including vegetable chirashi. In recent years, we have seen "newcomers" like mac and cheese sushi, hamburger sushi and beef sushi.

2. Sushi was invented in South East Asia First

Originally developed in Southeast Asia as a way to preserve fish in salt and rice., then it was introduced to Japan through China around 8th century. The form of sushi, nigiri and rolls we know now were developed in Tokyo (called as "Edo" around 19th century. In the beginning, it was a street fast food served at a sushi stand, just like a hot dog stand. We see the remaining of the original stand as a sushi bar at sushi restaurants.

3. Sushi rice is not sticky rice

Many people think sushi rice means "sticky rice." Sticky rice refers to mochi rice, which is used to make mochi. To make sushi rice, which is called "shari," sushi chefs add sushi vinegar to cooked rice. High sugar content in sushi vinegar gives stickiness to rice and keeps rice stick together.

4. Ginger is a strong antibacterial agent.

Pickled ginger not only brings fresh flavor in your mouth, it also cleanse one's palette, especially after oily fish. It functions as an antibacterial against raw fish, which can carry parasites.

5. California Roll is an American invention.

The story goes like this. One evening a customer at the sushi bar in little Tokyo, Los Angeles, requested a "special." The sushi chef used avocado (that was not a common sushi ingredient back then) and called it avocado special. The customer liked it so much that it became a regular menu and evolved to the California Roll we know now. Recently, a sushi chef in Canada claimed he invented it first. Regardless, California roll has become the most popular sushi item in America.

6. Nobody eats Tuna sushi until recently

Around 12-13 century in Japan, tuna was called "shibi," which rhymed with "day of dead" in Japanese. So, they avoided eating tuna because it was bad luck. Until 19th century when Yohei Hanaya invented nigiri sushi, people considered eating tuna as low class. Yohei marinated tuna in soy sauce and used for his sushi and became popular sushi item.

7. Nigiri or roll?

When Japanese say sushi, they think of Nigiri. When Americans think of sushi, they say Rolls.

8. Not all fish taste great when they are fresh.

Similar to beef aging, Tuna (yellow fin, big eye and bluefin) starts to taste better after one to two weeks of aging. Halibut is almost uneatable when fresh- chewy and no flavor like eating an unripe green banana.

9. Sashimi does not mean raw fish.

Sashimi means sliced meat. Therefore, sliced raw beef has a name "Beef Sashimi." Japanese enjoy chicken sashimi (only fresh selected chicken) and vegetable sashimi as well.

10. Most so-called wasabi is not necessary wasabi

Most of the sushi restaurants in US use powdered wasabi. This wasabi consists of western horseradish and mustard with some food coloring. Of course, there are some restaurants use "real" wasabi powder. So why do most of them use non-wasabi power? That's because wasabi costs a lot of money. The fresh wasabi from Japan can cost anywhere from $50-$100/lbs., which could cost more than Toro (tuna belly.)

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Know About the Best of Kansas City Restaurants

The restaurants in Kansas City are famous worldwide and if you are a food addict then this is the place you should be at. In fact, people from all over the world come down to this place just to enjoy the varied cuisines served at different Kansas City restaurants. It's not easy to pick the best restaurants as every place here has its unique and delicious dishes to offer. Still here are some of the best Kansas City restaurants which are very familiar among the visitors as well as the locals.


This place opened back in May 2011 and has been a hit ever since. Chef Carl Thorne-Thomsen has been the Best Chef Midwest nominee and also the winner of The People's Best News Chef. If you are looking for a place with modern touch serving dishes having an influence of Italian and French this place is your destination. This place offers fresh, seasonal as well as local ingredients too. Some of the famous dishes consist of roasted beets, the smoked duck empanadas and the octopus and for starters you can get veal tenderloin along with asparagus and delicious pistachios.


Here you can enjoy exquisitely prepared New American dishes served in urban setting. This place is known for engaging only the best grade ingredients as can be seen in ahi tuna tataki appetizer. You should not miss the chance of relinquishing the crafted sweets like spring mint ice-cream sandwich. The entrees include halibut along with buttered lily bulbs, wagya beef with asparagus and a lot more.


This is a famous Argentinean spot where the Midwestern cuisine meets the South American tastes. Be ready to be served with yummy blend of seafood with delicious grilled meats. For the appetizer, you can try the fired, flaky empanada which is stuffed with chicken and peppers. Feast on the 'bife de chorizo' which is 16oz, grilled KC steak served with roasted potatoes and vegetables. You have the flexibility to select from a wide range of fish dishes here.

Michael Smith

The menu offered here is well prepared by the eponymous chef who likes to make use of local ingredients to get the real taste of Kansas City food. The dishes include Columbia River sturgeon served well with spaetzle mushroom ragu, red-deer scaloppine and pork roasted wonderfully for 8 hours with delicious onion risotto. For diners, you can try meatball threesome along with braised rabbit and home prepared gnocchi.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Best Dairy Free Butter Substitute

Whether you're thinking of cutting down on the amount of butter for a more balanced diet or looking to cut it out all together, we have all the facts about what makes the best substitute for butter in your everyday diet.

There are some great butter substitutes out there - many bakers prefer to use unsweetened applesauce in their recipes, as it has the right consistency and it's vegan friendly. Olive oil and other vegetable oils are lower-fat butter substitutes for frying, roasting and grilling too and some people love to spread coconut oil onto their breakfast toast as a quirky butter alternative.

Our favourite substitute for butter, however, has got to be margarine. It fills the same roles (rolls?!) as butter in our daily cooking requirements, whilst containing fewer of the bad fats. Margarine today also contains only traces of those infamous trans-fats which nutrition experts warn us against. In fact, the plant oils that margarine is made from contain the good unsaturated fats, such as omega 3 and 6, which our bodies actually need to maintain normal cholesterol levels.

Margarine makers even add vitamins into their margarine recipes. Vitamin A helps keeps hair, skin and eyes healthy, while vitamin D takes care of bones and teeth. Vitamin E helps protect cells from oxidative stress.

There are margarines which are dairy free, suitable for vegans and vegetarian, as well as low fat versions which make it a great butter substitute. Whatever your tastes, eating habits or lifestyle choice there is a blend out there for you. There are also margarines specifically for baking and loads of different flavours, too.

If you're looking for some cooking inspiration there are absolutely loads of margarine recipes to try and they just might change the way you look at cooking forever! Lots of bakers swear by margarine for creating the lightest sponges and chewiest cookies so why not test it out for yourself by searching online for some margarine-inspired recipes? There are lots of them about, with themes for every occasion; from Christmas to Halloween! Or maybe dig out some old recipe books and try substituting butter for margarine and taste the difference.

Margarine is rumoured to be the secret key to the perfect curry and is a delicious addition to warming winter soups. You can fry, grill, baste and roast with it, it's so versatile! A handy tip to know is that liquid margarine turns transparent when it's hot, so you can tell when your pan is hot enough to get started - a chef's dream come true! Cooking with liquid margarine means that there is less hot, spitting fat and oil too.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Food and Success in Business

If you want to be successful selling food, it is imperative that you make the right choices of the following; a fair price, fantastic quality, great taste, place in the food supply chain, and location. In fact, location should be your primary focus, because location can make or break a business - you may have heard it said, "Location, location, location - it determines 50% of any retail business."

The extent of the food industry is vast and crosses international boundaries. As long as there are people, there are going to be hungry mouths to feed, and where there are hungry people there is a need for nutrition. The demand is never going to die out. Therefore, this is one business that flourishes in all parts of the world, especially in metros where people do not have the time to cook; they rely on takeaways and fast food restaurants instead.

Which part of the industry should a position be taken up? As mentioned earlier, this is one industry that is so vast it has to rely on international markets to fulfill its demands. The chain includes: farming; food processing; packaging; transportation; retail; outlets, such as, restaurants, eating stalls, drive through eating joints, and of course - the food and beverage regulators!

Beginning with the farmer, who manages the fields and supplies agricultural produce such as; wheat for flour, food grains, and vegetables, sugarcane and beets for mills to produce sugar, various plants from which vegetable cooking medium is extracted, tea leaves and coffee beans, spices and fruit, and dairy farm products such as milk, meat and eggs. The farmer is the beginning and the end of the raw material in the supply chain.

Food processors such as sugar mills, cooking oil manufacturers, beverage manufacturers among others, who link the raw production to the outlets that sell the final product.

Packaging and transportation can be food processor's in-house department of it can be contractual, which in most cases it is. This forms a large segment of the industry and keeps the retail segment stocked.

The retail segment supplies to the outlets such as; supermarkets that sell processed eatables, raw material such as flour, vegetables, fruit, cooking oil, spices and so on. They also supply to restaurants and eating stalls and the like.